Monday, 3 February 2014

Leave-In Conditioners & Serums - Tried and Tested

Hello my beauties!

After my lifestyle post last time (which got a lot of views, so thank you!) I'm back with a bit more beauty loving, and with a blog post that tells all about the products promised to banish your hair blues, the leave-in conditioners and serums.

As someone with hair that has been battered and bruised over the years, (I have dyed it almost every colour under the sun, and often been a bit too heat-happy, I know, slap on the wrist) these products with promised miracles certainly had their work cut out when tackling my poor little barnet! But I have tried them all, over a significant period of time, and will go through which ones I thought were worth it!

Of course, everyone's hair is different, and what worked for me may not neccessarily work for someone who has completely different textured hair, or has never put colour on it, so always read around different blogs to check what the general opinion is of a product before you buy it, just because one person loves it doesn't mean you will too!

Right, onward my beauty lovers!

1. Toni & Guy Model.Me Jamelia Affinity Serum

Packaging - Probably the nicest packaging in this whole list, simple and chic, this will go with every bathroom possible.

Tangle-teasing - Not the best, it still took me a good hair an hour to fully de-tangle my hair, (I do have quite long hair so this isn't total madness), hair gets a bit sleeker, but nowhere near the desired clean sweep of a comb.

Smell - Lovely, fresh and girly - a treat to put on.

Application - Just a pump or two in your fingers and run it through, although I always felt with this product that I needed much much more than said on the packaging, I found myself going back for the fifth application!

Hair Conditioning - Pretty good, hair still has bounce, but it visibly shinier, although it doesn't seem to do anything for split ends and de-tangling. I would say this is more of a 'before a night out' serum to shine up your newly washed hair, than an everyday conditioning product.

Overall rating - 5/10

2. TIGI: Catwalk Fast Fixx Leave-In Conditioner

Packaging - Doesn't look as classy as other TIGI products, the plasticky bottle and garish colours make it fun, but won't make your bathroom scream 'Call me Miss Hepburn'

Tangle-Teasing - Really good. De-tangling still takes a bit of work, but the great this about this one is you can really spray it liberally on those tangly ends, and get the comb through quickly enough!

Smell - Not particularly memorable, but still nice.

Application - A simple spray, what could be easier? You also don't need a lot with this product, however it won't look greasy if you put too much on.

Hair Conditioning - Really lovely, definitely lightweight, so hair doesn't look particularly glossy, however it feels soft and tangle free.

Overall Rating - 6.5/10

3. Organix Morroccan Argan Oil

Packaging - Not particularly remarkable. I like that you can see the level of oil you have left so you know when you are running out however! The bottle does look very natural, and is therefore simple, so won't look out of polace anywhere.

Tangle-Teasing - This is going to be a big shocker for everywhere as argan oil is the big buzz product, but I really did not like it, especially this aspect of it. My hair seemed to get just more tangly as I applied this product, as it seemed to stick the ends of my hair together and make them break off as soon as I ventured with my brush. I tried to stick it out with the product but couldn't bear to keep attacking my hair like this.

Smell - There isn't really a smell with this one.

Application - A simple spray, easy and quick, but there's a very fine line between enough and too much, and too much can cause one greasy looking head of hair.

Hair Conditioning - I just really did not rate this product at all, my hair felt no different, and my ends sticky and tangly.

Overall Rating - 2/10

4. Aussie Luscious Long Leave-In Conditioner/Miracle Recharge

I wanted to review these two products together as they are SO similar, and I'm not even sure the first one is readily available anymore because of their similarity

Packaging - Similar to all Aussie products, so if you are an Aussie lover, it'll fit nicely in your collection. Otherwise however the product doesn't look that special, however it's neutral colours blend in with a product collection.

Tangle-Teasing - AMAZING. There is a lot of contraversy with Aussie products in the blog world, as they contain some ingredients that are debated amongst the community about whether they are harmful to hair. However this product seems to be anything but harmful to my hair, and it de-tangles like an absolute dream. Usually my hair will take about half an hour to comb through, yet with this it took less than five minutes.

Smell - As with all Aussie products, their unique scent prevails, it smells like a tropical day in Aus!

Application - Another easy peasy spray, however I found that I need A LOT of this to achieve my desired effect, so much so that on a two week holiday, (because my hair was being dried out in the pool etc.) I went through an entire bottle on a single holiday.

Hair Conditioning - I loved the way my hair felt after this product, and it will always be the one I go back to, my hair feels newly blow dried for so long, I love love love it.

Overall Rating - 8.5/10

And there-in concludes this little review! Tell me, what miracle-products does your hair love? Have you found the next saviour hair product? Or do you disagree/agree with one of my reviews? Please let me know!

Abi x


  1. Hi, this was lovely to read as i too have tangly long hair, but miens ringlet curls (that is until i force it straight) now i know it isn't a leave in conditioner but the 3 minute miracle by Aussie really helps me be able to control my hair it seems to get rid of the tangles and makes it a lot easier to deal with, so if you haven;t tried that i would recommend giving it a go x

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